Publication Catalogue
- No text data has been added
- Wire
- Length (ca 3cm) of copper/copper alloy wire 0.1 cm dia bent into loop form (dimensions above are of the loop shape). The 2 ends overlap each other to produce 0.2 thickness at that point. Corroded. Some encrustation.
Find Details
- 1.2cm
- 0.9cm
- 0.2cm
- No number data has been added
Linked Contexts
Context: CH06SR_757
- Loose brown layer that had a high concentration of ceramics (many large in size ~10-20 cm). Dimensions of context [in Area 1] are approximately 70 X 70 cm. It was not very thick, less than 5 cm in depth from Dima's previously excavated trench to section 1. From section 1 to section 2 it varied in depth, taking a dive to as much as 15 cm in the center between the well and section 2. However, on both sides of the well it remained thin and near section 2 it thinned again. It was not located in Area 3, possibly due to the several pits that extended across the unit near section 2.