Publication Catalogue
- No text data has been added
- Strip/Bar
- 4 main fragments (which fit together - dimensions above are of reconstruced object). Appears to be length of plate or strapping with remnant of one/perhaps two circulat rivets, at end and half way along. Rivet at end appears comprise remnants of inner and outer face of rivet; possibly encloses remains of material to which strap attached. Next fragment carries remnant of wood. Next fragment has centrally a 0.4cm dia stud. Object appears to be convergent. All heavily corroded. Thickness of strap ca 0.3 cm. In a state of disintegration.
Find Details
- 12.5cm
- 4.3cm
- 1.7cm
- No number data has been added
Linked Contexts
Context: CH06SR_829
- Compact brown soil with the traces of burning, inclusions of charcoal, small stones, metal slag. In NW part of E wing - spot of black soil (trace of burning) with inclusions of metal; diameter - 35 cm.