Publication Catalogue
- No text data has been added
- Whetstone
- Longitudinal, one end squared off, the other well rounded and smoothed all edges and faces. No obvious area (s) of polish. Roughly oblong both plan and edge profiles
Find Details
- 9.8cm
- 6cm
- 3.3cm
- No number data has been added
Linked Contexts
Context: CH06SR_837
- A dark brown clayey soil with medium sized (10-20 cm in diameter) stones. The dimensions are approximately 80 cm (NW-SE) and 3.6 M (E-SW), running from wall 296 to the wall trench 0762. The context/cut is perpendicular to walls 296 and 50. Artifacts including tile, ceramics and bone were prevelant throughout context, but especially concentrated near wall 0296.