Publication Catalogue
- No text data has been added
- Object
- 2 main elements. 1.) Copper/copper alloy plate 0.1 cm thick, 4.2 cm long, bent/distorted at one end (original length ca. 4.7 cm) from narrow end (width 0.7cm). Sides diverge over 3.6 cm, through concave edges to shoulders. 2.3 cm width, then converging through rectilinear sides to a point. On one face, and perpendicular to it, 0.3cm from narrow edge, a rectangular plate. 1 * 1.1 cm high, 0.1 cm thick, longitudinally set, pierced with a 0.4cm dia hole central. Corroded and some encrustation
Find Details
- 4.2cm
- 2.3cm
- 2cm
- No number data has been added
Linked Contexts
Context: CH06SR_840
- Layer of compact brown soil with prominent inclusions of charcoal and lime throughout, similar to Context 827 but more compact. This layer was rather thick and produced a lot of debris in the form of larger pieces of pottery and special finds.