Publication Catalogue
- No text data has been added
- Axe
- In side profile one long rectilinear edge. Opposite edge concave curvilinear. These sides diverge from socket end 3.6cm width to axe-head end 3.8 cm width. In plan, sides converge with rectilinear sides from socket end 3.8cm width to rounded point. Fragment of 1.1cm element of socket hole visible (handle inserted perpendicular to head). Over half of socket missing together with any element formerly opposite the axe edge. Surfaces all smoothed. Socket end almost circular in cross-section.
Find Details
- 7.8cm
- 3.9cm
- 3.8cm
- No number data has been added
Linked Contexts
Context: CH06SR_879
- Thick layer of compact brown soil in the better part of cut 900 (save for a small section on its extreme W side). This layer was compact and produced many small finds, several nails, some larger-sized pottery, small pieces of plaster and many seashells.