Publication Catalogue
- No text data has been added
- Architectural fragment
- 4 fragments 2 of which do fit together - relationship of other 2 is uncertain - they appear to be of a different thickness - dimensions above are of the reconstucted pair. Other two have thickness of ca 2.8 cm. They reveal one face on which incised chisel marks. Reconstructed pair is of roughly rectangular shape with fractured edges. One polished face. The reverse face roughly finished with parallel chisel marks
Find Details
- 9cm
- 7cm
- 2.4cm
- No number data has been added
Linked Contexts
Context: CH06SR_903
- Compact, light-brown, a few of ceramic frag-s, tiles; includes small quantity of lime crumbs. This soil fills the large bedrock cut under the middle of the church floor; it is 5-8cm deep.