
Micro View Forms

  • CH06SR
  • 3946

Publication Catalogue

  • No text data has been added


  • Loom weight
  • Pyramidal on square (3.4 X 3.4 cm) Base. Rounded apex, all edges, corners well rounded at 1.2 cm from apex. A 0.4 cm diameter hole penetrates object. Some scarring and chipping. Depression in base. Each face appears to bear a 'stripe' of creamy coloration.

Find Details

  • on/off_switch
  • on/off_switch

Find Details

  • 7cm
  • 3.4cm


  • No number data has been added

Linked Contexts

  • Context: CH06SR_906
    • Compact clay layer of fill in the central-western part of cut 900. This layer was distinct from both 908 and 879 which were adjacent to it. This layer also had a cut on its eastern side, cut 909. The soil was compact and contained debris typical of trash fills - pottery, bones, plaster, metal objects, but also three ceramic loom weights.


  • Recorded By
    • RS
    Date Analyzed
  • Entered By
    • WFD

Spatial Data