
Micro View Forms

  • CH04SR
  • 300



  • postholes/disturbances in room 32

Linked Contexts

  • Context: CH04SR_472
    • Light brown/brown clayey slightly more compact layer. Situated running NW-SE 40 cm and 15 cm in width (NE-SW) concentrated in front of the doorway between rooms 32 and 36.
  • Context: CH04SR_474
    • Cut of approximately 8 X 10 cm in diameter and 18 cm deep filled with black very loose soil (SR475). Situated in the north/NW portionof room 32, not far from the doorway joining room 32 and room 36.
  • Context: CH04SR_475
    • Very loose black soil (loam) with very little in the way of artifacts.
  • Context: CH04SR_478
    • Semi-regular cut (juxtaposed straight edges at two different levels) approximately 7 by 6 cm in diameter at the surface and 4 by 4 cm in diameter at 4 cm below that (the surface). The cut is approximately 8 cm from the surfact to the bottom.
  • Context: CH04SR_479
    • Very loose black soil (loam) with no artifacts.


  • Photographed By
    Date Photographed