
Micro View Forms

  • CH05SR
  • 729



  • Room 30 - central area

Linked Contexts

  • Context: CH05SR_603
    • Compact soil - with brown-grey color. Includes bones, ceramics, tile fragments. In 2005, was found to cover most of room except for the area along the SW wall excavated in 2004 -- although it may have originally been present there, as well; thin deposit 3-5cm deep, directly over bedrock in several places in the center of the room and near the door to room 31a. Near the area of the hearth, between it and the E corner, we found most of an articulated vessel crushed into the floor; another articulated vessel was also found in this floor. Several stones had been placed level with the surface of the floor in the N corner and along the NE wall
  • Context: CH05SR_611
    • Irregular upper fill of depressions and level changes in the bedrock under room 30, especially along the NW wall; it consists primarily of small stones and small, chalky fragments of limestone pressed into a compact layer with very little other material; it is particularly visible in two connected patches, one on either side of the door to room 31a; along its longest axis, it extends for ca. 3.5m, and is between 2cm and 7-8cm in thickness (thicker where it covers underlying holes and depressions)
  • Context: CH05SR_612
    • Grey loose grainy soil with inclusions of limestone crumb, ceramic, tile fragments, charcoal; fills bedrock cut or depression in SW/central side of room 30 -- roughly circular, ca. 30cm deep in deepest area; located under 611, but its limits are wider than those of the layer above
  • Context: CH05SR_999


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