
Micro View Forms

  • CH05SR
  • 749



  • Room 31, East wing

Linked Contexts

  • Context: CH05SR_217
  • Context: CH05SR_229
  • Context: CH05SR_264
  • Context: CH05SR_398
    • Well-built wall of rubble limestone with earthen mortar, large (reused?) cut masonry blocks as quoins and doorjambs, faced on both sides, with evidence of a wooden sleeper beam on both sides of the wall (visible on the interior, partially collapsed on the room 31a side); bonds with walls on either side and with doorsill of door placed roughly in the center of the wall, opposite the door in the SE wall of the room
  • Context: CH05SR_422
  • Context: CH05SR_615
    • Loose-ashy gray soil mixed with an high density of bones, pottery, stones of little dimensions (5-15 cm) extended in the W side of W wing.
  • Context: CH05SR_616
    • Very compact light brownish gray soil,made up of clay soil and granular stones and pottery, on which surface some flatten fragment of vassels lay.
  • Context: CH05SR_617
    • Very compact white plaster ("mortar"), extended in the north side, next to the staircase. It is characterized by linear limit on south parallel to the wall (visible width 0,56 m) and an irregular cut by 705 on the SW side.
  • Context: CH05SR_618
    • Very compact brownish soil with low concentration of inclusions (prevalently pottery and little stones).


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    Date Photographed