
Micro View Forms

  • CH05SR
  • 770



  • Room 38, pit in NW part

Linked Contexts

  • Context: CH05SR_601
    • Cut placed next to 559 and 536, made up of squared edeges in SW and semicircular in the NE. Along the SE edge there is a squared shaped entrance (width 0,58 m; long 0,90 m) perpendicular to the edge of the pit, at SW of which a stepped cut (footstep 0,18 m; vertical 0,17 m).The space formed by the cut (2,23 m x 1,04 m).
  • Context: CH05SR_621
    • very loose ashy dark brown soil, with incusions of bits of charcoal, mixed with pottery and bone at high conecentration. It is extended on the NE side of the pit and fill a depression formed by 645.
  • Context: CH05SR_622
    • Surface at the sentral area of the pit, extended crossly to the extension of aforementioned pit. Made up of eroded bedrock, which characterizes the white color of the layer, mixed with brown soil, bones fragments of tiles and pottery at high concentration. Its thickness is around 5-8 cm.


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    Date Photographed