Linked Contexts
Context: CH05SR_607
- Dry stone wall damaged by removal the stones for reuse as building material. Direction : NE-SW ; length - 2,5 m; height - 40-50 cm; 70-40 cm in width. One course of stones remains. Located ca. 35cm from and parallel to the NW section wall of our trench in this area
Context: CH05SR_637
- rectilinear clay construction in S corner of room 37, with three exterior walls made of mud bricks of yellowish clay; individual bricks were ca. 5cm wide, 20 cm in height, 35 cm in length.The construction was a short rectangle ca. 60 x 70cm, 20-35cm high, with its long axis oriented E-W; between the walls of the construction is a fill of ashy soil (638); its upper levels are level with surface 639
Context: CH05SR_638
- Soft ashy soil, black and white ash, filling the clay construction. 20-30 cm deep; 60 x 70 cm ; sherds of ceramic vessels both with traces of burning and without them. Near the surface of this layer, below a very thin coating of very fine white ash, was a greasy reddish-brown lens that showed traces of burning
Context: CH05SR_639
- Hard-packed earth surface, light brown with yellow inclusions; covers at least the SW half of the room from the wall of rm 30 to the section wall, but could not be followed in the NW part of the room (seems to appear under wall 607)
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