
Micro View Forms

  • CH05SR
  • 814



  • Room 37, stone collapse in NE part

Linked Contexts

  • Context: CH05SR_652
    • Stone [levelling fill] near walls 499 and 265. 6-7 stones with soft brownish soil between. Few stones made disintegrated circle (pithos bordering?) [that is, some of the stones seem to have been arranged in a rouch circle, the outline of which is only partially preserved]. Stones were 30-40 cm. on longest axis, arranged in a rough line near and parallel to walls 499 and 265
  • Context: CH05SR_666
    • Pavement of the floor of room/courtyard by huge slabs;one big slab in the center of room framed by 3 narrower slabs; stone seems to be local limestone, dressed only on upper side but with cuts for prybars on lower side (at least one one block that we lifted); pavement as a whole has undergone much settling, with some pavers higher than others, and has also been partially robbed; stones are ca. 15-20cm thick; pavement continues under wall 692 into the courtyard, though most are missing


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