Linked Contexts
Context: CH05SR_217
Context: CH05SR_733
- Deep, regular, sub-rectangular cut in bedrock along the NE wall of room 30, depth: 40-50cm. The rest of the cut goes under the NE wall of Rm 30. The cut shows a straight edge and a good corner at its S angle; it may be cut by another cut at the E corner, and contains further bedrock cuts in its floor surface; ca. 2m x 3m, but full dimensions unclear since the rest of the cut is obscured by later constructions. This cut may connect (at its E corner?) with another bedrock-cut structure on the other side of the same wall in room 31 -- this latter structure showed a break in its bedrock wall at the S corner that might correspond with a break in the bedrock at the E corner of this cut; the bottom of the cut was very flat and level, although its stepped up in a rough semicircle at the E end (in area of potential other cut -- see sketch or plan)
Context: CH05SR_734
- Roughly (semi)circular cut in the floor of the larger cut 733 along the NE side of room 30, shallow with gently sloping walls. Radius 35cm,depth 5-8cm. The rest of the cut goes under the NE wall of Rm 30, so full extent not recorded; bottom surface irregularly worked, found filled with ashy layer more or less on same level as floor surface
Context: CH05SR_999
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