
Micro View Forms

  • CH06SR
  • 1049



  • Room 31 - east wing (without scale)

Linked Contexts

  • Context: CH06SR_747
    • Yellowish clay layer: rectangular form 35x60cm, 6-15cm deep; clay of solid consistency with inclusions of small stones, charcoal, ceramic sherds, in lower layer of clay were found a few pieces of plaster. This layer was packed against and over the earlier wall 748 and partly covered by brown soil 749 (though it also shares a vertical edge with this layer); ceramics in this layer were found only in a layer at the bottom (may have belonged to the context below)
  • Context: CH06SR_748
    • Wall under wall 264: length 2.8m, width 30 cm in S part and 45cm in N part; only one course of masonry preserved, with mid-sized unworked but regular stones (35-45cm in longest dimension); runs roughly NW-SE, but on a slightly different axis from the wall above (W of NW); no foundation trench noted, single course of masonry rests directly on soil fill
  • Context: CH06SR_749
    • Compact layer of light brown soil with inclusions of pebbles, stones, charcoal; occupied entire area of east wing of room 31 between the early wall 748 and the edge of the bedrock cut, about 10-15cm thick; surface is very hard and relatively level
  • Context: CH06SR_750
    • Cut of pit in the S corner of room 31, E wing; cut into soil, 40x45cm in width and length, ca. 25cm deep; filled with soft dark soil and stones, roughly square outline; located in area where bedrock slopes away below the 12th-13th c. wall
  • Context: CH06SR_751
    • Fill of a pit, 40x45cm at the top, 25cm deep; dark brown ashy soil with inclusions of pebbles near the top and with medium-large (30-40cm) stones set firmly at the bottom


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    Date Photographed