
Micro View Forms


  • CH04SR0394
  • thick wall along ne edge of insula at east end
  • Outside wall facing street well constructed medium to large stoes with squared blocks around doorways runs length of Rm 33 and Rm 36 then bonds with construction around Rm 35.


  • Same As

    None linked.


  • No Interpretation



Formation Processes

Faunal Assemblage

  • There are no results for this record

Fish Species Assemblage

  • There are no results for this record

Birds Species Assemblage

  • There are no results for this record

Ceramic Assemblage

  • There are no results for this record
  • There are no results for this record
  • There are no results for this record

Linked Special Finds

  • No attached items.

Linked Samples

  • No attached items.

Botanical Assemblage

Skeletal Remains

  • No attached items.

Microwear Analysis

  • No attached items.

Recording Sheet



Record Status Flags

  • on/off_switch
  • on/off_switch


  • Excavator
    • ATR
    Date Excavated
  • Verified by
    Verified on
  • Entered By
    • SW

Spatial Data

Site Photos

  • Site Photo: CH04SR_328
    • file_image
    • street side of E end of wall 394
  • Site Photo: CH04SR_329
    • file_image
    • street side of W end of wall 394
  • Site Photo: CH04SR_337
    • file_image
    • SW face of wall 394 (inside room 36)
  • Site Photo: CH04SR_340
    • file_image
    • SW face of wall 394 (inside rm 33)


  • There are no files attached to this record yet.

Linked GeoPhotos

  • No attached items.

Linked Drawings

  • No attached items.

Linked TopoSurfaces

  • No attached items.

PhotoModeler Projects

  • No attached items.