- courtyard
- This plan also has a related(?) plan 31a (saved and georeferenced). This needs investigating - [SJE - 28Sep05).
Linked Contexts
Context: CH05SR_541
- A 50 cm (N-S) X 25 cm (E-W) and approximately 12 cm in depth. black ashy soil that contains a lot of small pieces <1 cm of charcoal. Filled somewhat irregular cut in 2 surfaces under last courtyard surface (509).
Context: CH05SR_570
- Loose dark brown soil [fill] that extends east-west across the north wall (wall #49). Dimensions are approximately 4.2 M E-W along wall [49] and from 90 (western-most distance) to 30 (eastern-most distance) cm (N-S). Filled regular cut through at least one surface all the way to bedrock.
GIS Status
Drawn On