- CH05SR0541
- Black ashy soil in western section courtyard
- A 50 cm (N-S) X 25 cm (E-W) and approximately 12 cm in depth. black ashy soil that contains a lot of small pieces <1 cm of charcoal. Filled somewhat irregular cut in 2 surfaces under last courtyard surface (509).
- Was located below two large stones that were left for a spell (Allyson mapped them on her plan) because it was thought they may be related to the metal working activities or a floor? Only two datable fragments of pottery, one dated to IX-XI centuries and one dated to XII-XIX centuries.
- Ashy layer associated with metal working activities, possibly part of a hearth.
- SM
Formation Processes
Faunal Assemblage
- There are no results for this record
Fish Species Assemblage
- There are no results for this record
Birds Species Assemblage
- There are no results for this record
Ceramic Assemblage
Total = 3
Total | |
Amphora | 2 |
Cookware | 1 |
Total = 3
Total | |
Class 41 | 1 |
Class 51-52 | 1 |
Wheelmade cookware | 1 |
Total = 3
Total | |
9th-11th c. AD | 1 |
12th-13th c. AD | 1 |
Linked Special Finds
- No attached items.
Linked Samples
Sample: CH05SR_328
- Metallurgical sample from courtyard
Botanical Assemblage
Skeletal Remains
- No attached items.
Microwear Analysis
- No attached items.
Record Status Flags
- SM
Date Excavated
11-7-2005 -
Verified by
Verified on
Entered By
- SM
Site Photos
Site Photo: CH05SR_522
Site Photo: CH05SR_524
Site Photo: CH05SR_529
Site Photo: CH05SR_530
Site Photo: CH05SR_531
Site Photo: CH05SR_867
Linked GeoPhotos
- No attached items.
Linked TopoSurfaces
- No attached items.
PhotoModeler Projects
- No attached items.