- Tomb 4?
- This drawing had no entry in the database - I have reconstructed this entry completely [SJE - 28Sep05]
Linked Contexts
Context: CH05SR_558
- Rectilinear construction built of well dressed fitted stones, markedly different from other tombs built on this site. Coursed masonry, plastered. NE-SW direction. Inner dimensions 2.20 x 0.78 m. Outer dimensions are 2.64 x 1.24 m. Bottom was cut in bedrock.
Context: CH05SR_670
- Cut approximately 50 cm in length (E-W) and 25 cm (N-S) and approximately 40-45 cm in depth. Cut has very steep edges with a sharp bottom surface.
Context: CH05SR_682
Context: CH05SR_719
- Series of small stone slabs laid flat in front of wall (?) 682, which separates them from the NW part of the courtyard; at a later date, another wall was built over them in this area, perhaps protecting them from removal -- the new wall served as the NW wall of tomb 4
Context: CH05SR_999
GIS Status
Drawn On