
Micro View Forms

  • CH06SR
  • 3

PhotoModeler Projects

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  • Pits in Room 38

Linked Contexts

  • Context: CH06SR_746
    • Layer of dark brown soil underneath a large stone, left along the southern part of the E wall (wall 257) of room 38 in the 2005 season. The material under the stone was compact from the pressure of the stone but was otherwise easily removed, and filled with pottery and bone. There were no special finds, though there were iron nails.
  • Context: CH06SR_753
    • Layer of loosely packed, medium brown soil, heavy with debris of all types - especially iron nails (50+), pottery sherds, glass fragments and bronze (copper alloy) coinage. This layer was very thick - easily 20cm - and filled the whole of cut 728. There was very little ash or charcoal in this layer, though, as we reached the next context layer, there was an increasing amount of clay lumps in the soil and it became much more compact. There were also very many medium-large stones (many reused).


  • Photographed By
  • Modeler
    • JT