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Geophoto Description Photographed By Date Photographed Options
CH06SR_377 Surface of courtyard at NW end with well edge ATR 24-6-2006 view
CH06SR_378 Surface of courtyard at NW end with well edge ATR 24-6-2006 view
CH06SR_379 Central part of church, with human skull and plaster architectual decoration GK 4-7-2006 view
CH06SR_380 Central part of church with human skull and plaster architectual decoration GK 4-7-2006 view
CH06SR_381 Central part of church with human skull and plaster architectual decoration GK 4-7-2006 view
CH06SR_382 NW part of Room 38, shares GPH points with GPHCH06SR0383 GK 10-7-2006 view
CH06SR_383 NW part of Room 38, shares GPH pts with GPHCH-6SR0382 GK 10-7-2006 view
Total Pages:  16 Total Results:  382
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