Topo Surface | Description | Options |
CH05SR_5 | Exposed surface southern half of RM32 | |
CH05SR_6 | Rubble layer - Room 38 | |
CH05SR_7 | Rubble layer in Stenopos | |
CH05SR_8 | Exposed surface, Room 33 (avoiding sample holes) | |
CH05SR_9 | VOID - DO NOT USE TO GRID UP - REMAPPED AS SURFACE 13 - Exposed surface NE part of courtyard - | |
CH05SR_10 | Collapse layer | |
CH05SR_11 | Exposed surface from CH04 | |
CH05SR_12 | Exposed CH04 surface | |
CH05SR_13 | Redo of surface 9 - NE section of courtyard | |
CH05SR_14 | surface of v. pitted/cut bedrock | |
CH05SR_15 | surface of roof collapse in stenopos | |
CH05SR_16 | Surface of floor with pits cut into it | |
CH05SR_17 | Surface of tile collapse | |
CH05SR_18 | Surface of tile collapse in northern area of Plateia (nearest to wall) | |
CH05SR_19 | Surface of Road | |
CH05SR_20 | Tile Collapse in southern half of Room 38 | |
CH05SR_21 | Small lump of collapse in NE corner of Room 38 | |
CH05SR_22 | Pit at the N end of Room38 | |
CH05SR_23 | Pit at the end of Room 38 | |
CH05SR_24 | Floor surface at the end at the S. end of Room 38 | |
CH05SR_25 | Road surface | |
CH05SR_26 | Southwestern half of room 38 (area of fallen beams) | |
CH05SR_27 | Small pit in the North of Room 38 | |
CH05SR_28 | Surface of the small courtyard (room 31) | |
CH05SR_29 |