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Site Photo Description Photographed By Date Photographed Options
CH05SR_431 Working shot - making georeferenced pictures ATR 1-7-2005 view
CH05SR_432 Working shot ATR 1-7-2005 view
CH05SR_433 Layer of collapse in east extension GK 1-7-2005 view
CH05SR_434 Layer of collapse in east extension GK 1-7-2005 view
CH05SR_435 Trace of modern disturbance GK 1-7-2005 view
CH05SR_436 Layer of collapse, south end where meeting main street GK 1-7-2005 view
CH05SR_437 Layer of colapse - southern part GK 1-7-2005 view
CH05SR_438 Pit in the NW side of courtyard with the top of cistern/well GK 2-7-2005 view
CH05SR_439 Pit in the NW side of courtyard with the top of cistern/well GK 2-7-2005 view
CH05SR_440 Surface of courtyard ATR 2-7-2005 view
CH05SR_441 Surface of courtyard ATR 2-7-2005 view
CH05SR_442 NS part of room 33 ATR 2-7-2005 view
CH05SR_443 Hearth feature with iron pieces ATR 2-7-2005 view
CH05SR_444 Layer of stones in modern pit GK 4-7-2005 view
CH05SR_445 Stone covering of tomb 3 GK 4-7-2005 view
CH05SR_446 Stone covering of tomb 3 GK 4-7-2005 view
CH05SR_447 Working shot -taking metallurgical samples GK 4-7-2005 view
CH05SR_448 Construction of tomb 3 GK 5-7-2005 view
CH05SR_449 Working shot of scaffolding above the well in nw part of courtyard GK 5-7-2005 view
CH05SR_450 Working shot - scaffolding above the well in NW side of courtyard GK 5-7-2005 view
CH05SR_451 SE part of room 32 GK 5-7-2005 view
CH05SR_452 S corner of room 32 with small pieces of iron on the floor GK 5-7-2005 view
CH05SR_453 Working shot - cleaning of tomb 3 GK 6-7-2005 view
CH05SR_454 Possible bottom of modern trench GK 6-7-2005 view
CH05SR_455 Floor level in room 33 GK 6-7-2005 view
Total Pages:  68 Total Results:  1679
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