Publication Catalogue
- No text data has been added
- Worked bone point
- Worked bone fragment in the shape of a point or blade. Sides are straight, then taper for the final 2.5cm. Back slightly damaged - bone pores visible. Front is intact and in good condition. On the back, there is a "V" shaped nick out of the bone in addition to the break at the top.
Find Details
- 7.2cm
- 1.6cm
- 0.4cm
- 0cm
- No number data has been added
Linked Contexts
Context: CH04SR_338
- Layer of medium - large stones, large quantity of tile fragments in matrix of brown soil. Covers entire area of room 32. Several pieces of modern material, ceramics of a mixed date, apparently typical of wall collapses. Earlier material in fabric of walls. Area of small charcoal flecks near southern stairs.