Publication Catalogue
- No text data has been added
- coin
- Oxidized bronze coin. One edge slightly chipped. Reverse appears blank, obverse may have a design- oxidization is in clumps, may reflect a textureed surface. No rim is visible
- Anastasius I (491-518)
- Decanummium
- Profile bust of emperor. -SPPA
- Large I with O to the right.
- Sear, Byzantine coins, p. 39, no 26
- MC 31 [18931]. Worn out by use
Find Details
- 0cm
- 0cm
- 0.15cm
- 1.4cm
- 2.17g
- 6
- 16mm
- No number data has been added
Linked Contexts
Context: CH04SR_373
- Yellow loose silty soil forming matrix for large stones in room 36. Composition is very loose with voids throughout. Considerably more tile than other layers. Several architectural fragments with plaster - including pieces of arch - recovered from this layer near doorway.