Publication Catalogue
- No text data has been added
- Coin
- Oxidized and minieral encrusted bronze coin. Rim evident on one side only. Deposits too thick to make out any other elements.
- Arcadius (383-408)
- AE2
- Profile bust of emperor. DNARCA-
- Emperor standing holding spear and leaning on shield. Captive by r. foot. GLORIA ROMANO[RVM] In the exergue CON[?]
- Sear, Roman coins (1988), p. 356, no 4229
- MC 36 [18936]. Corroded.
Find Details
- 0cm
- 0cm
- 0.1cm
- 2.3cm
- 4.36g
- 12
- 22mm
- No number data has been added
Linked Contexts
Context: CH04SR_426
- Tile collapse with poorly articulated amphorae (bagged seperately) and other ceramics. Located in NW part of the unit between NW section profile and wall (SR437).