Publication Catalogue
- No text data has been added
- Iron object
- Blackened and oxidized iron object. Flat, round head narrowing to a (now hollow?) square shaft. Oxidized over a hole in the center of the disk.
Find Details
- 6.3cm
- 2.5cm
- 0.4cm
- 0cm
- No number data has been added
Linked Contexts
Context: CH04SR_456
- Assemblage of pots in situ on floor of rm 33; there are 6 pithoi, one in the western corner (with its own fill), 4 in the centre of the room, 2-3-6-4. the last one with a cross on the rim, and a big pithos layed down from the northern to the centre of the room. All the pithoi seem to have a little base, diameter 15 cm., a large shape (the body has a diameter of 50 cm.) and a flat rim. 8 amphoras are placed in the NE area of the room, in front of the closed door SR395.