
Micro View Forms


  • CH04SR0456
  • Assemblage of pots in situ on floor of room 33
  • Assemblage of pots in situ on floor of rm 33; there are 6 pithoi, one in the western corner (with its own fill), 4 in the centre of the room, 2-3-6-4. the last one with a cross on the rim, and a big pithos layed down from the northern to the centre of the room. All the pithoi seem to have a little base, diameter 15 cm., a large shape (the body has a diameter of 50 cm.) and a flat rim. 8 amphoras are placed in the NE area of the room, in front of the closed door SR395.


  • Same As

    None linked.


    • Assemblage of pots in situ, with 6 pithoi in situ, some of them with their own fill, and 8 amphoras.
      • MM



Formation Processes

Faunal Assemblage

Total = 66
Unidentifiable 10
Domestic Pig 1
Sturgeon-type 1
Fish 4
Bird 5
Domestic Cattle 4
Dog 1
Domestic Goat 2
Human 2
Mussels 1
Oyster 1
Domestic Sheep 4
Domestic Sheep/Goat 30

Fish Species Assemblage

  • There are no results for this record

Birds Species Assemblage

Total = 8
Gallus gallus f. Domestica 5
Phalacrocorax carbo 1
Rufibrenta ruficollis 1

Ceramic Assemblage

Total = 1533
Pithos 55
Amphora 1125
Cookware 23
Fineware 330
Total = 1533
Pithos (type) 55
Class 2 ("carrot") 1
ADSV, type V 1
Class 12 (LRC 1-Riley) 2
Class 24 ("Black Sea" with rilled zones) 4
Class 41 6
Class 45 (Gunsenin-IV) 2
Class 51-52 1104
Unidentified amphora (small fragments) 5
Cookware (type) 23
Closed plain form 203
Mortars, bowls 39
Zeuxippos ware 50
Sgraffito ware (monochrome) 7
Group 6 (Yakobson) - Polychrome sgraffito ware 12
Group 8 (Yakobson ) - slip-painted ware 7
Glazed White Ware II 3
Glazed White Ware IV (group 9, Yakobson) 7
Black gloss 2
Total = 1533
9th-13th c. AD 55
5th-7th c. AD 4
13th c. AD 7
9th-11th c. AD 13
12th-13th c. AD 1182
Hellenistic (Ceramic date) 2

Linked Special Finds

Linked Samples

  • Sample: CH04SR_48
    • Residue analysis ( room 33, pithos 1)
  • Sample: CH04SR_49
    • Surface flotation sample from room 33
  • Sample: CH04SR_50
    • surface flot from room 33
  • Sample: CH04SR_51
    • surface flot from room 33
  • Sample: CH04SR_52
    • surface flot from room 33
  • Sample: CH04SR_53
    • surface flot from room 33
  • Sample: CH04SR_54
    • surface flot from room 33
  • Sample: CH04SR_55
    • surface flot from room 33
  • Sample: CH04SR_56
    • surface flot from room 33
  • Sample: CH04SR_57
    • surface flot from room 33
  • Sample: CH04SR_67
    • organic material, rm 33
  • Sample: CH04SR_68
    • organic material center of rm 33
  • Sample: CH04SR_71
    • Residue analysis sample, amphora, room 33
  • Sample: CH04SR_73
    • Wood sample room 33
  • Sample: CH04SR_74
    • Wood sample room 33
  • Sample: CH04SR_79
    • Wood sample center of room 33
  • Sample: CH04SR_84
    • Wood sample room 33

Skeletal Remains

  • No attached items.

Microwear Analysis

  • No attached items.

Recording Sheet


Record Status Flags

  • on/off_switch
  • on/off_switch


  • Excavator
    • CS
    Date Excavated
  • Verified by
    Verified on
  • Entered By
    • MM

Spatial Data

Site Photos

  • Site Photo: CH04SR_245
    • file_image
    • General view of pots insitu in room 33, with board
  • Site Photo: CH04SR_246
    • file_image
    • General view of pots insitu in room 33, without board
  • Site Photo: CH04SR_247
    • file_image
    • General view of pots insitu in room 33, without board
  • Site Photo: CH04SR_248
    • file_image
    • Detail of pithos 1
  • Site Photo: CH04SR_249
    • file_image
    • Detail of pithos 5
  • Site Photo: CH04SR_250
    • file_image
    • Detail of amphoras laid near ne wall room 33
  • Site Photo: CH04SR_257
    • file_image
    • SF 2627, Iron object, room 33
  • Site Photo: CH04SR_266
    • file_image
    • organic fill of pithos in room 33
  • Site Photo: CH04SR_271
    • file_image
    • organic material, center room 33
  • Site Photo: CH04SR_273
    • file_image
    • working photo rm 33
  • Site Photo: CH04SR_274
    • file_image
    • working shot room 33 -- best-preserved amphora in situ
  • Site Photo: CH04SR_275
    • file_image
    • burnt wood (cylindrical straight poles/sticks) in W corner of room 33
  • Site Photo: CH04SR_277
    • file_image
    • wood sample 74 (SF2699), wooden bucket base, in situ
  • Site Photo: CH04SR_278
    • file_image
    • wood sample 74 (SF2699), wooden bucket base, in situ
  • Site Photo: CH04SR_279
    • file_image
    • general shot of samples 73 and 74 (aka SF2699) in relation to each other
  • Site Photo: CH04SR_280
    • file_image
    • general view of wood samples 73 and 74 (aka SF2699) in relation to each other
  • Site Photo: CH04SR_283
    • file_image
    • intact wood sample 79 -- plank in the center of room 33
  • Site Photo: CH04SR_284
    • file_image
    • intact wood sample 79 -- plank in the center of room 33
  • Site Photo: CH04SR_294
    • file_image
    • burnt organic material under pithos and wood in the W corner of room 33, possibly leather
  • Site Photo: CH04SR_298
    • file_image
    • working shot -- Steve and Dana lifting the base of the bucket (SF2699)
  • Site Photo: CH04SR_315
    • file_image
    • SF2705 (glazed bowl) in situ in room 33
  • Site Photo: CH04SR_326
    • file_image
    • working shot -- Inge working on the lift of the iron tool (SF2707) on the floor of room 33


  • There are no files attached to this record yet.

Linked GeoPhotos

  • Geophoto: CH04SR_94
    • room 33, pithoi in situ (S corner)
  • Geophoto: CH04SR_95
    • room 33, pithoi in situ (W corner)
  • Geophoto: CH04SR_96
    • room 33, pithoi in situ (N corner)
  • Geophoto: CH04SR_97
    • room 33, pithoi in situ (E corner

Linked Drawings

  • No attached items.

Linked TopoSurfaces

  • No attached items.

PhotoModeler Projects

  • No attached items.