Publication Catalogue
- No text data has been added
- Coin
- Almost complete coin, heavy encrustation both sides; damage to ca. quarter of circumference; raised rim visible both faces; "M"(?) feature on one face; no feature discernible on other face but raised plane suggests feature will be revealed on restoration.
- Anokhin: Basil II and Constantine VIII (1016-1025) Grierson:Basil I (876-879)
- Monogram of Basil and Constantine (κ Β ω)
- Cross on steps with dots in both fields. Low relief.
- Anokhin 1980, Pl. XXIX, no 447 (Basill II with Constantine VIII, Issue II, 1016-1025); DOC III, 19 (Basil I, Class 3, 876-879); Grierson 1982, no 869 (Basil I, 876-879)
- MC 5 [19276]
Find Details
- 0.3cm
- 2.3cm
- 6.61g
- 12
- 23mm
- No number data has been added
Linked Contexts
Context: CH05SR_451
- Hard packed final phase floor surface of room 33. Heavy patch in East corner, ash patches (discrete) in the north-west center, north-west corner, and south corner of the room. Uneven surface resulting from cuts to support pithoi. Inclusions include, tile, ceramic, bone, and metal, industrial waste.-For more detailed description see context sheet from 2004; new info includes depth, between 15-20 cm think, thinner in some places