
Micro View Forms


  • CH05SR0451
  • Floor of room 33
  • Hard packed final phase floor surface of room 33. Heavy patch in East corner, ash patches (discrete) in the north-west center, north-west corner, and south corner of the room. Uneven surface resulting from cuts to support pithoi. Inclusions include, tile, ceramic, bone, and metal, industrial waste.-For more detailed description see context sheet from 2004; new info includes depth, between 15-20 cm think, thinner in some places
  • Peeled floor surface (hard-packed) off down to next surface layer.
  • Coins, nails, ceramics


    • Final phase floor surface. Evidence for earlier phase metalworking in floor stains in east corner of the room. Floor surface deposited onto earlier activity phase which included at least two metal working hearths. Surface directly overlay bedrock in some areas.
      • NK
    • Coin evidence includes one late 5th-early 6th c. coin, one early 11th c. coin (Basil II and Constantine)
      • ATR



Formation Processes

Faunal Assemblage

Total = 2983
Fox 11
Unidentifiable 1251
Domestic Pig 53
Sturgeon-type 52
Fish 49
Scallop 18
Bird 31
Domestic Cattle 190
Dog 10
Domestic Goat 29
Cockle family 3
Cyprinoid 11
Crab 7
Horse 1
Chicken 1
Limpet 2
type of mollusc 1
Mussels 83
Oyster 425
Domestic Sheep 65
Domestic Sheep/Goat 690
Faunal Species Part Age Sex Faunal Count
Domestic Sheep/Goat Vertebrae 124
Domestic Sheep/Goat Upper Teeth 68
Domestic Sheep/Goat Ulna 1
Domestic Sheep/Goat Tibia Proximal Juvenile 2
Domestic Sheep/Goat Tibia Distal Juvenile 2
Domestic Sheep/Goat Third Phalange 16
Domestic Sheep/Goat Skull Facial Parts 27
Domestic Sheep/Goat Skull Brain Parts 37
Domestic Sheep/Goat Second Phalange Juvenile 6
Domestic Sheep/Goat Radius Distal Juvenile 1
Domestic Sheep/Goat Radius Proximal Adult 1
Domestic Sheep/Goat Radius Proximal Juvenile 1
Domestic Sheep/Goat Radius Shaft 5
Domestic Sheep/Goat Ribs 120
Domestic Sheep/Goat Scapula 14
Domestic Sheep/Goat Second Phalange Adult 1
Domestic Sheep/Goat Pelvis 2
Domestic Sheep/Goat Mtc Whole 1
Domestic Sheep/Goat Mtt Shaft 2
Domestic Sheep/Goat Mtt Proximal 10
Domestic Sheep/Goat Mtt Distal Juvenile 5
Domestic Sheep/Goat Mtt Distal Adult 2
Domestic Sheep/Goat Mtc Shaft 2
Domestic Sheep/Goat Mtc Proximal 8
Domestic Sheep/Goat Mpp Juvenile 36
Domestic Sheep/Goat Mpp Adult 9
Domestic Sheep/Goat Lower Teeth 59
Domestic Sheep/Goat Lower Jaw 60
Domestic Sheep/Goat Humerus Shaft 4
Domestic Sheep/Goat Humerus Proximal Juvenile 1
Domestic Sheep/Goat Humerus Distal 2
Domestic Sheep/Goat First Phalange Juvenile 10
Domestic Sheep/Goat First Phalange Adult 17
Domestic Sheep/Goat Femur Shaft 8
Domestic Sheep/Goat Femur Proximal Juvenile 3
Domestic Sheep/Goat Femur Proximal Adult 2
Domestic Sheep/Goat Femur Distal Juvenile 1
Domestic Sheep/Goat Central 11
Domestic Sheep/Goat Carpal/Tarsal 7
Domestic Sheep/Goat Astragalus 2
Domestic Sheep Tibia Distal 1
Domestic Sheep Skull Facial Parts 2
Domestic Sheep Second Phalange 17
Domestic Sheep Scapula 1
Domestic Sheep Mtt Proximal 10
Domestic Sheep Mtt Distal Juvenile 2
Domestic Sheep Mtt Distal Adult 1
Domestic Sheep MtcWhole Juvenile 1
Domestic Sheep Mtc Proximal 2
Domestic Sheep Mtc Distal 2
Domestic Sheep Humerus Distal 1
Domestic Sheep Horn core 1
Domestic Sheep First Phalange 14
Domestic Sheep Calcaneous 1
Domestic Sheep Astragalus 9
Oyster 425
Mussels 83
type of mollusc 1
Limpet 2
Chicken 1
Horse Second Phalange 1
Crab 7
Cyprinoid 11
Cockle family 3
Domestic Goat Vertebrae 1
Domestic Goat Second Phalange 12
Domestic Goat Mtt Distal 1
Domestic Goat MtcWhole Juvenile 1
Domestic Goat Mandible 1
Domestic Goat Horn core Male 2
Domestic Goat Horn core Female 1
Domestic Goat First Phalange 8
Domestic Goat Calcaneous 2
Dog Upper Teeth 2
Dog Ribs 3
Dog Mpp 3
Dog Fibula 2
Domestic Cattle Vertebrae 42
Domestic Cattle Upper Teeth 4
Domestic Cattle Tibia Distal Juvenile 1
Domestic Cattle Tibia Distal Adult 2
Domestic Cattle Third Phalange 3
Domestic Cattle Skull Facial Parts 2
Domestic Cattle Skull Brain Parts 36
Domestic Cattle Second Phalange 8
Domestic Cattle Ribs 39
Domestic Cattle Radius Distal 1
Domestic Cattle Pelvis 1
Domestic Cattle Patella 1
Domestic Cattle Mtt Shaft 2
Domestic Cattle Mtt Distal 1
Domestic Cattle Mtc Distal 2
Domestic Cattle Mpp Juvenile 2
Domestic Cattle Mpp Adult 2
Domestic Cattle Mandible 5
Domestic Cattle Lower Teeth 15
Domestic Cattle Humerus Distal 2
Domestic Cattle Horn core Female 7
Domestic Cattle First Phalange 3
Domestic Cattle Femur Distal 1
Domestic Cattle Carpal/Tarsal 7
Domestic Cattle Astragalus 1
Bird 31
Scallop 18
Fish 49
Sturgeon-type 52
Domestic Pig Astragalus 2
Domestic Pig Calcaneous Juvenile 2
Domestic Pig First Phalange Adult 2
Domestic Pig First Phalange Juvenile 1
Domestic Pig Humerus Shaft 2
Domestic Pig Lower Teeth 7
Domestic Pig Mandible 4
Domestic Pig Mpp Adult 1
Domestic Pig Mpp Juvenile 4
Domestic Pig Mtt Proximal 1
Domestic Pig Pelvis 1
Domestic Pig Scapula 1
Domestic Pig Second Phalange Adult 2
Domestic Pig Second Phalange Juvenile 1
Domestic Pig Skull Brain Parts 3
Domestic Pig Skull Facial Parts 5
Domestic Pig Third Phalange 2
Domestic Pig Tibia Distal Juvenile 1
Domestic Pig Tibia Shaft 2
Domestic Pig Ulna 2
Domestic Pig Upper Teeth 6
Domestic Pig Vertebrae 1
Unidentifiable 1251
Fox Calcaneous 2
Fox Humerus Distal 1
Fox Tibia Shaft 7
Fox Ulna 1

Fish Species Assemblage

Total = 86
Unidentified Fish 25
Scophthalmus rhombus 23
Sander lucioperca 1
Cyprinidae 5
Alosa sp. 1
Acipenseridae 12
Raja clavata 19

Birds Species Assemblage

Total = 26
Corvus cornix 1
Gallus gallus f. Domestica 9
Phalacrocorax carbo 1

Ceramic Assemblage

Total = 851
Pithos 23
Amphora 585
Cookware 78
Fineware 165
Total = 851
Pithos (type) 23
Rhodes 2
Chersonesos 1
Light clay (Heraklea, Sinope) 8
Class 2 ("carrot") 10
ADSV, type V 4
Class 12 (LRC 1-Riley) 14
Class 18 (with funnel rim) (LRA 2-Riley) 1
Class 22 (Zeest-95; LRA 3-Riley) 2
Class 24 ("Black Sea" with rilled zones) 55
Class 41 51
Class 42 (Gunsenin-I) 4
Class 43 (Gunsenin-II) 17
Class 45 (Gunsenin-IV) 18
Class 48 (Gunsenin-III) 3
Class 51-52 74
Unidentified amphora 321
Wheelmade cookware 78
Unidentified plain fineware 110
Glazed White Ware II 27
Polychrome white-clay 1
Glazed White Ware IV (group 9, Yakobson) 4
Zeuxippos ware 5
Red-slip 16
Black gloss 2
Total = 851
9th-13th c. AD 23
2nd-1st c. BC 2
2nd c. BC 1
1st c. BC-2nd c. AD 8
5th-7th c. AD 31
9th-11th c. AD 154
late 10th-11th c. AD 1
12th-13th c. AD 99
13th c. AD 5
Roman (Ceramic date) 16
Hellenistic (Ceramic date) 2

Linked Special Finds

Linked Samples

  • Sample: CH05SR_100
    • Metallurgical find from the eastern part of room 33
  • Sample: CH05SR_101
    • Metallurgical find from the eastern part of room 33
  • Sample: CH05SR_102
    • Metallurgical find from the eastern part of room 33
  • Sample: CH05SR_103
    • Metallurgical find from the eastern part of room 33
  • Sample: CH05SR_104
    • Metallurgical find from the eastern part of room 33
  • Sample: CH05SR_105
    • Metallurgical find from the eastern part of room 33
  • Sample: CH05SR_106
    • Metallurgical Sample from room 33
  • Sample: CH05SR_107
    • Metallurgical Sample from room 33
  • Sample: CH05SR_108
    • Metallurgical Sample from room 33
  • Sample: CH05SR_109
    • Metallurgical Sample from room 33
  • Sample: CH05SR_110
    • Metallurgical Sample from room 33
  • Sample: CH05SR_111
    • Metallurgical Sample from room 33
  • Sample: CH05SR_112
    • Metallurgical Sample from room 33
  • Sample: CH05SR_113
    • Metallurgical Sample from room 33
  • Sample: CH05SR_114
    • Metallurgical Sample from room 33
  • Sample: CH05SR_115
    • Metallurgical Sample from room 33
  • Sample: CH05SR_116
    • Metallurgical Sample from room 33
  • Sample: CH05SR_117
    • Palaeobotanical Sample from room 33
  • Sample: CH05SR_118
    • Palaeobotanical Sample from room 33
  • Sample: CH05SR_119
    • Palaeobotanical Sample from room 33
  • Sample: CH05SR_120
    • Palaeobotanical Sample from room 33
  • Sample: CH05SR_121
    • Palaeobotanical Sample from room 33
  • Sample: CH05SR_122
    • Palaeobotanical Sample from room 33
  • Sample: CH05SR_123
    • Palaeobotanical Sample from room 33
  • Sample: CH05SR_188
    • Palaeobotanical Sample from room 33
  • Sample: CH05SR_189
    • Palaeobotanical Sample from room 33
  • Sample: CH05SR_190
    • Palaeobotanical Sample from room 33
  • Sample: CH05SR_191
    • Palaeobotanical sample from room 33
  • Sample: CH05SR_192
    • Palaeobotanical sample from room 33
  • Sample: CH05SR_89
    • Metallurgical find from the eastern part of room 33
  • Sample: CH05SR_90
    • Metallurgical find from the eastern part of room 33
  • Sample: CH05SR_91
    • Metallurgical find from the eastern part of room 33
  • Sample: CH05SR_92
    • Metallurgical find from the eastern part of room 33
  • Sample: CH05SR_93
    • Metallurgical find from the eastern part of room 33
  • Sample: CH05SR_94
    • Metallurgical find from the eastern part of room 33
  • Sample: CH05SR_95
    • Metallurgical find from the eastern part of room 33
  • Sample: CH05SR_96
    • Metallurgical find from the eastern part of room 33
  • Sample: CH05SR_97
    • Metallurgical find from the eastern part of room 33
  • Sample: CH05SR_98
    • Metallurgical find from the eastern part of room 33
  • Sample: CH05SR_99
    • Metallurgical find from the eastern part of room 33

Skeletal Remains

  • No attached items.

Microwear Analysis

Recording Sheet


Record Status Flags

  • on/off_switch
  • on/off_switch


  • Excavator
    • NK
    Date Excavated
  • Verified by
    Verified on
  • Entered By
    • NK

Spatial Data

Site Photos

  • Site Photo: CH05SR_428
    • file_image
    • NE corner of room 33 - floor with traces of burning and small pieces of wood
  • Site Photo: CH05SR_429
    • file_image
    • NE corner of room 33 - floor with traces of burning and small pieces of wood
  • Site Photo: CH05SR_455
    • file_image
    • Floor level in room 33
  • Site Photo: CH05SR_456
    • file_image
    • SE part of room 33


  • There are no files attached to this record yet.

Linked GeoPhotos

  • Geophoto: CH05SR_147
    • collapse of street NE of buildings

Linked Drawings

  • Drawing: CH05SR_24
    • Ash layer ROOM 32, NE part ROOM 33

Linked TopoSurfaces

  • Topo Surface: CH05SR_8
    • Exposed surface, Room 33 (avoiding sample holes)

PhotoModeler Projects

  • No attached items.