Publication Catalogue
- No text data has been added
- Object
- Heavily corroded, encrusted. Object comprises 3,4 cm long cylindrical element, circumference 1 cm; seemingly of folded plate, seam extending longitudinally along stem of cylinder; this element then connected to a bulbous ca. 1 cm dia mass elevated ca. 30 degrees above plane of cylinder and to which is attached a nail like protrusion affixed centrally ca. 0,7 cm wide at base, length 1,6 cm, developing/ tapering to a point 0,3 cm dia. The nail like protrusion appears affixed to a roughly circular in plan element (part of the bulbous mass). This could be a circular plate closing off the cylinder in original formation.
Find Details
- 6.1cm
- 1.6cm
- 1cm
- No number data has been added
Linked Contexts
Context: CH05SR_423
- Light brown-grey soil with big amount of stones; also includes small frag-s of tile, ceramics; bones. Stones range in size from 10 cm to a few very large (75 cm) cut blocks; located immediately under topsoil and in area of main road - under modern fill. See also CH04SR0423.