Publication Catalogue
- No text data has been added
- Coin
- Roughly circular; heavily encrusted both faces; smooth rim.
- Constans (337-350)
- AE2
- Diademed bust of emperor r. FLIVLCONSTA- NOBC
- Two soldiers holding standard and spear. IA- ITVS. In the exergue SMANT
- MC 13 [19282].
Find Details
- 1.8cm
- 1.7cm
- 0.15cm
- 2.15g
- 7
- 17mm
- No number data has been added
Linked Contexts
Context: CH05SR_558
- Rectilinear construction built of well dressed fitted stones, markedly different from other tombs built on this site. Coursed masonry, plastered. NE-SW direction. Inner dimensions 2.20 x 0.78 m. Outer dimensions are 2.64 x 1.24 m. Bottom was cut in bedrock.