Publication Catalogue
- No text data has been added
- Carved object (from wheel barrow)
- Fragment of rectangular panel, 3 sides complete; one face carved, other plain; carving comprises 0,2/0,3 cm wide border enclosing horizontally ribbed background on which relief of animal (bird?) standing upon platform/ plinth, head turned back over its body; some deterioration reverse face.
Find Details
- 3.5cm
- 3.3cm
- 0.4cm
- No number data has been added
Linked Contexts
Context: CH05SR_519
- Hard packed floor surface, defined by sherds on horizontal orientation. Soil is a fine silt-loam Hue 10YR 6/1 with ash patch in the NW. Complex fill level comprising of several dumps of discrete material, voids, inclusions: articulated plaster, walling stones, brick, very high amounts of bone, ceramic and tile.