Publication Catalogue
- No text data has been added
- game piece
- ellipsoidal in plan; upper face gently convex with incised cross incisions 0.1cm wide and deep; at central junction a 0.15cm hole; at extremity of each arm a 0.15cm hole; at edge of one long side a longitudinal 1/2cm long 0.1cm deep step which on return edge forms to edge of an apparent fillet 0.3cm wide chamfer to underside; on opposite edge a lateral 1cm long gash ca. 0.1cm deep; reverse face slightly curving parallel to short sides; at radius 0.5cm a lightly incised concentric circle; 5th to 14th Centuries.
Find Details
- 2.4cm
- 2.1cm
- 0.7cm
- No number data has been added
Linked Contexts
Context: CH05SR_519
- Hard packed floor surface, defined by sherds on horizontal orientation. Soil is a fine silt-loam Hue 10YR 6/1 with ash patch in the NW. Complex fill level comprising of several dumps of discrete material, voids, inclusions: articulated plaster, walling stones, brick, very high amounts of bone, ceramic and tile.