Publication Catalogue
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- molded plaster pieces (3)
- First piece, itself comprising 2 pieces which fit, one larger, roughly rectangular 34 cm by 12/9 cm by 7 cm high; fractured laterally ca 14 cm from narrower end; smaller piece abuts the larger to its side, also roughly rectangular 13 cm by 8 cm; at wider end of larger piece a notch cut into edge 3,5 cm wide, 5 cm long, 1,5 cm from side, ca 1 cm deep; face reasonably flat slightly convex, rounded sides and edges; second piece, arched shape in plan, fragmented (5 main pieces), 22cm long, 10 cm wide; a ca 14 cm long part is curved in plan ( 5 cm wide); this abuts a fractured block element 9cm by 8 cm, 2,7 cm at thickest edge; in front edge a 4 cm long, 0,4 cm wide groove; third piece, roughly trapezoidal in plan, 18 cm by 9 cm by 6 cm, one straight edge 2/3 cm wide, 12 cm long, along longest edge.
Find Details
- 34cm
- 13cm
- 7cm
- No number data has been added
Linked Contexts
Context: CH05SR_519
- Hard packed floor surface, defined by sherds on horizontal orientation. Soil is a fine silt-loam Hue 10YR 6/1 with ash patch in the NW. Complex fill level comprising of several dumps of discrete material, voids, inclusions: articulated plaster, walling stones, brick, very high amounts of bone, ceramic and tile.
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