Publication Catalogue
- No text data has been added
- coin
- Heavily corroded/ encrusted; outlines of rim both faces; no other details visible.
- Leo I (457-474)
- AE2
- Profile bust of emperor. DNLEOP- R
- Emperor stepping on captive, holding standard and globus. SALVSR-PVRLICA.
- Sear, Roman Coins, p. 369, no 4339
- MC60 [19318]
Find Details
- 2.1cm
- 0.15cm
- 3.62g
- 6
- 21mm
- No number data has been added
Linked Contexts
Context: CH05SR_567
- Rough stone construction, possibly an earlier wall in the S. E. corner of room 33. Walling stones in irregular pile leaning against bedrock drop-off in 33, intermixed with bone, ceramics, and plaster fragments.