Publication Catalogue
- No text data has been added
- Coin
- Heavily encrusted; this thoroughly masks features (of which there is apparent evidence) to both faces. Some evidence of rim both faces. Pitting to edge.
- Basil I (879-886)
- Initial of Basil. Pellets in left field only Dotted border.
- Cross on steps with pellets on both fields. Dotted border.
- Anokhin 1980, no 377 (but much bigger and with pellet only in the left field) (Issue II); DOC III, 20b var. (Class 4, 879-886)
- MC 4 [19451]. No example with dotted border is depicted in Anokhin 1980 or DOC III. Maybe pellet on the r.field flaw of the mould.
Find Details
- 1.6cm
- 1.5cm
- 0.15cm
- 2.93g
- 12
- 19mm
- No number data has been added
Linked Contexts
Context: CH06SR_712
- Layer of light brown soil - with large amount of bone, pottery fragments, seashells, and rocky inclusions.