Publication Catalogue
- No text data has been added
- Object
- spheroid mass, heavily corroded and encrusted. In plan roughly circular with a rectangular element (ca 1,3 cm by 1 cm) projecting at right angles to the bulk of the mass. This element is also heavily encrusted to one face but a fissure to one face of the mass is contiguous with this projection suggesting it formed a specific element of the original object (eg a handle). A roughly circular portion of the mass (also fissured partly away from the rest) appears to be associated with the projection. Various colours of corrosion product; orange, yellow, black, white.
Find Details
- 4.8cm
- 4.4cm
- 3.2cm
- No number data has been added
Linked Contexts
Context: CH06SR_754
- This layer consisted of very ashy, gray soil filled with many stones, rock, ceramic and metal fragments. The earth was fairly well compacted, and easily distinguished from the layer beneath. This layer also contained many seashells and was much less deep than 712 (the layer directly covering it).