Publication Catalogue
- No text data has been added
- Architectural fragment (revetment)
- Fragment white (procennesain?) marble with one regular rectilinear edge. One face moulded, 1.4 cm wide flat band separated by 0.7 cm wide, 0.2 cm deep groove from Ogee style convex and concave moulding. Constant thickness 1.7 cm. Reverse face plain and unadorned
Find Details
- 7cm
- 6.3cm
- 1.7cm
- No number data has been added
Linked Contexts
Context: CH06SR_907
- Compact layer, brown, has a lot of different material: coins, fragments of ceramics, animal bones. At the top it has a collapse of a ceramic cover for a vessel. Fills the larger rectilinear pit by the shoulder of the N part of the apse
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