
Micro View Forms


  • CH06SR0907
  • Western part of central area, church, light brown compact surface
  • Compact layer, brown, has a lot of different material: coins, fragments of ceramics, animal bones. At the top it has a collapse of a ceramic cover for a vessel. Fills the larger rectilinear pit by the shoulder of the N part of the apse
  • After the excavation of this layer it was figured out that it included two different kinds of soil. So, the material from this layer in fact includes two.


  • Same As

    None linked.


    • Layer of a short (temporary) usage of an area
      • AS
    • Or layer of accumulation/abandonment that collected naturally in the pit
      • ATR

Formation Processes

Faunal Assemblage

Total = 281
Unidentifiable 59
Domestic Pig 19
Fish 44
Domestic Sheep/Goat 60
Bird 16
Domestic Cattle 34
Dog 10
Crab 1
Dolphin 1
Human 1
Brown Hare 1
Limpet 1
Mussels 14
Oyster 20

Fish Species Assemblage

  • There are no results for this record

Birds Species Assemblage

Total = 16
Anas platyrhynchos 2
Coturnix coturnix 1
Gallus gallus f. Domestica 4
Otis tarda 1
Phalacrocorax aristotelis 1

Ceramic Assemblage

Total = 562
Pithos 7
Lid 2
Amphora 274
Cookware 91
Fineware 188
Total = 562
Pithos (type) 7
Lid (type) 2
Light clay 24
Red clay (Zeest - 69, 72, 73) 47
Sinope 2
Rhodes 1
Unidentified Hellenistic/Roman amphora 138
Class 1 ("waisted") 7
Class 3 (Zeest-100) 15
Class 4 (LRA 3-Riley) 3
Class 12 (LRC 1-Riley) 19
Class 18 (LRA 2-Riley) 3
Class 22 (Zeest-95; LRA 4-Riley) 15
Handmade cookware 36
Wheelmade cookware 55
Unidentified plain fineware 1
Hellenistic or Roman plain fineware jar 74
Red-slip 108
LRC, form 2, Hayes 1972 1
Black gloss 4
Total = 562
1st c. BC-2nd c. AD 24
2nd-3rd c. AD 47
5th-7th c. AD 62
Hellenistic/Roman 212
1st-2nd c. AD 54
3rd-4th c. AD 54
5th-6th c. AD 1
Hellenistic (Ceramic date) 7

Linked Special Finds

Linked Samples

  • No attached items.

Botanical Assemblage

Skeletal Remains

  • No attached items.

Microwear Analysis

Recording Sheet



Record Status Flags

  • on/off_switch
  • on/off_switch


  • Excavator
    • AS
    Date Excavated
  • Verified by
    Verified on
  • Entered By
    • AS

Spatial Data

Site Photos


Linked GeoPhotos

  • No attached items.

Linked Drawings

  • No attached items.

Linked TopoSurfaces

  • No attached items.

PhotoModeler Projects