Publication Catalogue
- No text data has been added
- Coin
- Elliptical; heavily corroded and encrusted. No features discernible
- Theodosius I (379-395)
- AE2
- Profile bust of emperor. DN - SIVSP
- Standing emperor holding long shaft labarum or spear? and gl. Stepping on captive. -[E]XERCITI. In the exergue CONSA
- Sear, Roman Coins, p. 3252, no 4184
- MC 89 [19508]
Find Details
- 2.3cm
- 2.1cm
- 0.1cm
- 5.33g
- 12
- 23mm
- No number data has been added
Linked Contexts
Context: CH06SR_907
- Compact layer, brown, has a lot of different material: coins, fragments of ceramics, animal bones. At the top it has a collapse of a ceramic cover for a vessel. Fills the larger rectilinear pit by the shoulder of the N part of the apse