Publication Catalogue
- No text data has been added
- Bracelet
- Less than quarter circumference preserved. Circular cros-section 0,6 cm dia. Interior and exterior aspects decorated with lozenges with circle inside, 0,6 cm apart, crossed lines between. Dark glass. Some encrustations.
Find Details
- 3.5cm
- 1cm
- 0.6cm
- No number data has been added
Linked Contexts
Context: CH06SR_929
- The dimensions and definitions [=orientations?] are ca. 4m (NW-SE) x 80cm (NE-SW); the layer had the appearance of a pile of small to small/medium stones in a medium brown soil on both sides of the early wall perpendicular to wall 296; more stones than earth matrix in this deposit; differs from 933 in soil component, from 932 in density of packed rocks (932 is denser) (but seems to cover both)