
Micro View Forms

  • CH04SR
  • 137



  • Room 33, general extent, damp

Linked Contexts

  • Context: CH04SR_392
    • Medium stones in a sandy yellow -reddish soil. There are some roots and little pieces of plaster too; frequent in W corner of the room are some traces of charcoal. In the S corner is a piece of burnt wood, 40 cm in length (sample taken). Along the south-east wall of the room there is a concentration of nails.
  • Context: CH04SR_393
    • Medium stones in a loose sandy brown soil with roots and frags of plaster. Near the closed doorway (wall N-E )there is some traces of charcoal. towards the centre of the layer color changes to yellowish brown.
  • Context: CH04SR_410
    • Collapse of vessels and tiles in a sandy brown soil. All the vessels were along the southern wall of the room. In all the room there were a lot of nails, with a concentration in south-western side.


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    Date Photographed