Linked Contexts
Context: CH04SR_435
- Layer of hard-packed dark brown soil. This layer included several large pieces of carbonized wood, including those lifted by the conservators. Medium-sized, flatish stones, burned and fire-cracked were removed and were sitting on/in this layer (rough sketch on back of context sheet).
Context: CH04SR_448
- Dark grayish brown, clayey layer containing bone, ceramic, and some metal. Soil is "gummy"/clayey and was primarily located in southern half of room.
Context: CH04SR_449
- Thin layer of black. Distribution is about the same as 435 and 448. Layer was quite thin and between "packing" (448) and next "floor". No artifacts.
Context: CH04SR_458
- Very compacted brownish gray soil under SR448 and 449. Had less a distribution than SR435. Primarily located along southern and southeastern part of room.
Context: CH04SR_468
- Grayish/"greenish" clayey soil similar in color, texture, and compaction to SR448.
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