
Micro View Forms

  • CH05SR
  • 555



  • Room 38

Linked Contexts

  • Context: CH05SR_201
  • Context: CH05SR_257
  • Context: CH05SR_264
  • Context: CH05SR_521
    • Double course of roughly squared blocks and reused material (ashlar with anathyrosis and drafted margins; moulding; blocks with clamp holes); wall appears to be faced on both sides, but NW side not cleared during 2005 excavations
  • Context: CH05SR_535
    • Fallen stones of big and small dimensions (10cm to 50cm max length). Most of the large stones are dressed quarry blocks. Stones are mixed with gray soil, several tiles, pottery, glass; the layer extended all over the room, abutting the outside wall and the stairs of W corner. Along one side of the room this layer seemed to contain a deposit of mud plaster that might have originally been applied to the surface of one of the walls


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