
Micro View Forms

  • CH05SR
  • 585



  • N section of courtyard post context 538

Linked Contexts

  • Context: CH05SR_550
    • A loose brown soil that extends over the majority of the excavated portion of the courtyard. This context goes all the way down to bedrock in the east portion of the courtyard. However, it becomes much more compact in this area. Color and composition stay the same, maybe a little more clayey towards the bottom. Depth of context varies form less than 5 cm to 20 cm.
  • Context: CH05SR_562
    • Orange/light clayey compact fill just north of context 563. Dimensions are approximately 1.2 (N-S) X 1.4 (E-W) M and is 8-10 cm in depth. Context had very little in the way of artifacts except for tile.
  • Context: CH05SR_563
    • Dark grayish brown ashy soil that extends (lips) around the N/NW side of context 525; with large amounts of industrial debris. Dimensions excavated were approximately 30 cm (N-S) X 80 (E-W) and 20 cm in depth [see sketch on back of context sheet from SR525 and SM notebook pg. 21b]. Fills regular cut, though some confusion between contexts 525 and 563, see notes below and associated context sheets.
  • Context: CH05SR_570
    • Loose dark brown soil [fill] that extends east-west across the north wall (wall #49). Dimensions are approximately 4.2 M E-W along wall [49] and from 90 (western-most distance) to 30 (eastern-most distance) cm (N-S). Filled regular cut through at least one surface all the way to bedrock.


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