Linked Contexts
Context: CH05SR_521
- Double course of roughly squared blocks and reused material (ashlar with anathyrosis and drafted margins; moulding; blocks with clamp holes); wall appears to be faced on both sides, but NW side not cleared during 2005 excavations
Context: CH05SR_559
- Construction made up of 7 piles of rubble stones set in double course abutting 521.
Context: CH05SR_569
- Layer characterized by an high concentration of tiles, of which the most part laid flat. Mixed with gray soil and few stones; pottery, few inclusions of charcoal. In one case a piece of around 3 cm (sample 356). Next to the walls the tiles were mixed with seagrass (sample 368). It is extended all over the room abutting structures around. The surface is higher along the edges of the room. It is recorded a depression (?) next to 536 and 559.
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