Linked Contexts
Context: CH05SR_542
- Stone slabs defining the limit of the tomb on the north, west and partially east side of the tomb. NW wall of tomb was built against an earlier wall to NW, reducing amount of space. Floor of tomb is partially one large slab (part of it was found broken and upturned), partially cut and leveled bedrock. Large head stone with plastering, irregular foot with blocks set edge on, no good limits to SE, perfaps because of bomb disturance.
Context: CH05SR_558
- Rectilinear construction built of well dressed fitted stones, markedly different from other tombs built on this site. Coursed masonry, plastered. NE-SW direction. Inner dimensions 2.20 x 0.78 m. Outer dimensions are 2.64 x 1.24 m. Bottom was cut in bedrock.
Context: CH05SR_669
- Distinct pit with dimensions approximately 75 cm (E-W) X 25 cm (N-S) and 40-45 cm in depth. Soil was a loose brown loam with fewer artifacts than the majority of other fills in the courtyard.
Context: CH05SR_670
- Cut approximately 50 cm in length (E-W) and 25 cm (N-S) and approximately 40-45 cm in depth. Cut has very steep edges with a sharp bottom surface.
Context: CH05SR_671
- (SW direction)
Context: CH05SR_682
Context: CH05SR_999
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