Linked Contexts
Context: CH05SR_281
Context: CH05SR_394
Context: CH05SR_672
- Compact floor surface, overlying the bedrock in Room 33. Inclusions include hearth features, tile, ceramics, bone, glass; medium brown soil with ashy patches, charcoal, smooth slighltly greasy in places.
Context: CH05SR_695
- 30 X 35 cm rectilinear feature of compact, silt/clay loam filled with burnt ceramics, flecks of ash. Thin walls 4 cm thick. Grey ash over a dark chocolate brown, burnt (?) earth, around a central depression. Charcoal and carbonized natural inclusions (fish-bones)
Context: CH05SR_696
- 24 x 20 cm "staple" shaped hearth feature on floor of 672. Thin 2 cm walls. Grey-ash smooth and compact overlying a dark chocolate brown, patch of burnt (?) earth or a roughly square shape.
Context: CH05SR_999
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