
Micro View Forms

  • CH06SR
  • 1048



  • Room 38 - SE part

Linked Contexts

  • Context: CH06SR_728
    • Large, very deep cut in the bedrock in the SE part of the room. The cut is basically sqaure and measures slightly more than 2 1/2 meters deep, below the bedrock ridge on its NE side. The cut narrows as it gets deeper, and also shows some signs of gouging (for beams?) along its vertical sides.
  • Context: CH06SR_753
    • Layer of loosely packed, medium brown soil, heavy with debris of all types - especially iron nails (50+), pottery sherds, glass fragments and bronze (copper alloy) coinage. This layer was very thick - easily 20cm - and filled the whole of cut 728. There was very little ash or charcoal in this layer, though, as we reached the next context layer, there was an increasing amount of clay lumps in the soil and it became much more compact. There were also very many medium-large stones (many reused).
  • Context: CH06SR_754
    • This layer consisted of very ashy, gray soil filled with many stones, rock, ceramic and metal fragments. The earth was fairly well compacted, and easily distinguished from the layer beneath. This layer also contained many seashells and was much less deep than 712 (the layer directly covering it).


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